Mobile Source Code, Doumui International Festival

Mobile Source Code, Doumui International Festival

Mobile Source Code: Moving sounds through an ancient village Time has unwittingly brought us into an unknown and mysterious digital age. The tranquility of old villages and towns can serve as an escape from the hustle and bustle of city life. Three performing artists, Fenni, thruoutin, and Solent will venture to Songyang, Zhejiang Province to awaken a fresh breath of air through their electronic soundscapes. The trio will perform individual sets and then meld them together in a collaborative session at the end. We welcome the audience to fully immerse themselves in this experience on April 30th at the Dou Mi Ao Int'l Art Festival. It will be held in the 800-year-old town of Songyang. Participants will enter a parallel universe and experience electronic music under the stars. Three Beijing musicians with roots in Xi'an, the USA, and the UK will create a blend of East meets West by means of their music. We intend to give the audience a sense of mystery to complement the amazing scenery.

Artist Introductions:


Multi-instrumentalist based in the neo-capitalist urban sprawl of Beijing, China since 2008. Synthetic loops, samples and field recordings form the foundation of tracks, ideas which have been extracted from ambient, psychedelic, new age and drone. Solent has collaborated with a variety of platforms including labels such as Jingweir and Slow Pulse, Spittunes and the Bookworm Literary Festival, as well as taking part in performances curated by Impromptu including the inaugural “Yichang at Home” event.



American born electronic producer and multi-instrumentalist, thruoutin, has been based in China since 2009. His work varies from project to project, but often revolves around the combining of different genres with a focus on organic and digital sounds. He has extensively toured through North America and Asia; releasing music on several labels along the way. Most Recently he has put out work with Beijing labels RAN Music and Jingweir as well as performing on Boiler Room China and playing at festivals such as Wetware and Jiangbei.



Fenni is a Beijing based, independent musician & sound artist. Her work stylistically focuses on experimental ambient, minimal techno, and glitch soundscapes. Listeners can be met with auditorial elements of micro-sounds, faint buzzes, downtempo beats, and a multitude of sonic fusion. Her live performances act to analyze the self and its relation to the ultimate purity of introspection. At the same time, there exists a continuously generated and destructive auditory inertia to her live shows. At the core of the material lies the voice; which gradually forms its own unique language and acoustic system. The subtle changes of sound collide in cavernous resonances to independently create abstract language concepts. The listener is invited to explore an isolationistic microcosm churning 5,000 feet below the earth.


移动源代码,将声音游走于古老的乡野村落 时间在不知不觉中将我们带入了一个未知的,神秘的数码时代,在古老的村镇,墅野宁静 将被唤醒,与电子音乐和艺术作品一起呼吸感应,让声音的颗粒层层融化,迷走于你的神 经,大脑,血液和骨髓,4月30号,斗米岙这个有着800年历史的古镇,将会在星空下,与 3位电子音乐人一起,进入另一个平行宇宙,感受电子音乐带给你全身心的震撼,这3位音 乐人来自美国,英国和中国的北京,他们的音乐融合了中西方不同的元素,同时又有着强 烈的个人风格,他们将各自演奏自己的作品,同时也会在一起进行现场即兴创作,留一些 神秘给你们,我们现场会带给大家更多的惊艳。



Solent是⼀一位来⾃自英国的多乐器器⾳音乐⼈人,⾃自2008年年在中国北北京⽣生活 。Solent的⾳音乐作品基 于合成器器、采样和⽥田野录⾳音,形成⼀一种迷幻、新时代 和drone⾳音乐的氛围。Solent曾与很 多不不同平台合作,包括京味⼉儿唱牌、Slow Pulse唱牌、Spittunes和“书⾍虫⽂文学节”等,以及 Impromptu的⾸首届“⼀一场在家”活 动。


来自美国的电子 音乐家与音乐制作人thruoutin,定居中国5年。多元化 的音乐风格, 把奇怪的温情电子和中国民乐音 乐结合 在一起。你可以听到多种艺术创作思维在他的音乐里, 尤其是对大自然的采样和物理电子声音的钟爱。 曾在北美洲和亚洲有过巡回演出,除了他个人独立发行 的唱片外,他与多家唱片公司都 有过合作关系。燃音 乐和京味 儿曾发行过他的音乐。2017年 曾在Boiler Room中国演出,还有在豆瓣音乐Wetware音乐节和 张北音乐节都有演出过。


独立音乐人 5000英尺之下孤独的声音,后孤立派,探索和研究声音的分裂细胞神经元,声核振动的 物理反应,声音在腔体共振中碰撞的细微变化,独创抽象语言概念,并坚持长期运用这种 方式演唱,逐渐形成了自己独一无二的语言体系和声学体系,在她的声音作品中,几何的 不对称性被不断的解构,拆分和重组,构成了奇特的边缘性, 风险性和不确定性,模糊 而神秘的声音美学,与传统的听觉惯性形成对立,同时又不断的生成新的破坏性听觉惯性 ,除了运用自身的嗓音建造音景,环境音,噪音,动物和场景音效,也运用了电子迷幻氛 围,微声,脉冲,噪音,氛围回响和极简科技舞曲等多种演奏方式中,将作品中所要表达 的实验性深入,消解,最终回归到剖析自我内省的终极纯粹

Poster by: Michele Seippel

海报:Michele Seippel


April 30, 2019 @ 7:00 PM


Doumui International Art District, Songyang County, Lishui City


Free Entry

Line Up


